
Cost Estimating

Asia Pacific Engineering Consortium (APEC) has been delivering solid cost estimating engineering services to all clients in Malaysia for over 20 years. 

We understand that all projects are unique and have different requirements. As such, our team will take these factors into consideration when providing you with our cost estimating services.  

Cost estimating factors which are taken into account by our team include: direct labour costs, material costs, tooling, quality control and other various overhead charges of a project. 

Our team of engineers are trained and qualified to adopt a strategic approach and consult you on the necessary changes, adjustments and the right civil or structural systems to use, so that the cost of implementing and executing the entire project is within your ideal budget. 

If you would like to learn about our company, you can click here to read more. Or if you have any further enquiries about our cost estimating services, you can click here to contact us.